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This work [Base Movements] was made as a direct reaction to my feeling of re-homing.

It was made in the summer of 2020, after the beginning of the Corona-Virus lockdown.

Due to the virus, the whole country was assuming a spatial tightening, a restricting of safe territory.

If we were lucky, we did this wherever we felt most safe.

For me, this meant going to my family. The place itself however is not yet in a state of completion, of resolution. It is between states, and at this time so was I. Therefore this act of slowly moving in waves towards the ground, was a meeting with the place at the ground.


A kind of interaction between me and what I could call the spirit of the
place. Establishing a stillness. A ritual to ‘homing.

I also think that this act was a way for me to make a memory. I find that memorise are often spacial. they exist in feelings of movement and space. For example, It makes sense for me to remember something as if it exists on the horizon.


The movements made in this are influenced by this experience of memory. The stretching to the sky at the beginning is the memory of not feeling settled before coming home. all the movement on the way down brought me through various memories and feelings of trying to settle. they also acted to help me work through these feelings. By the time I was curled on the floor, I felt I had brought all my energies from a frantic confusion of between-ness to a calmness at being here.


Myself and memory, or conception of where I was, were in the same space.

Now that I have done this I have found that when I think of here the
memory has stayed feeling curled on the ground.

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